We call B.S.!

Today, I discovered a petition on my Facebook timeline to “protect our nation’s food supply” brought to us by the Safe and Affordable Food Coalition.

Hmmm… who isn’t for safe and affordable food?

Well, would you feel different about the group and the petition if you knew it was funded by the chemical and biotech industry, including the agricultural chemical trade group, CropLife America, and the biotech industry group, Biotechnology Industry Organization?

The Coalition for Safe and Affordable Food [cfsaf.org] says its dedicated to providing “the facts” about genetically modified food, but puts out misinformation like this: “GMOs have sparked a food revolution” that “has helped us feed more than 300 million people across America.” Um, no. We all know that commercialized GMOs have almost entirely been crops we humans don’t eat directly (think corn and soy and cotton) and that GMOs have not achieved significant yield improvements compared with conventional food (see my piece here).

Join me in heading over to the Coalition’s Facebook page and calling out their true colors. (As I wrote on their wall, “Nice try, “Coalition for Safe and Affordable Food”… I believe independent science when it’s not paid for by industry.“)

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