The Future of Food in a Climate Changing World
Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of spending a few days with more than 200 leading researchers, advocates and farmer leaders talking about the connections between food and climate change and what we should do about it. I helped to capture some of the voices you can see in this short film. There was a lot of hope, in the midst of incredibly bad news about the climate crisis. As Nadia El-Hage Scialabba from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says, “The food system is quite unique. It’s the only sector that contributes a lot to climate change, but the only one can really bring solutions if done properly. It could be turned on its head from being a culprit to become really a solution.” And as Pat Mooney, from the ETC Group, added: “There are reasons to be optimistic. The reasons to be optimistic really boil down to peasants and peasant agriculture and a reawakening by consumers… that the food system is important and highly vulnerable and needs to be protected.”