Community Events

Non-Profit, Public sector Events, Fundraisers + Community forums

Selected events: alphabetical by sponsoring organization


92nd Street Y-Makor, Panel Discussion following Super Size Me screening

ABC Carpet & Home, planning and hosting events with Nobel Peace Laureate Wangari Maathai

Added Value Fundraiser- iCi Restaurant, Brooklyn, NY, Lecture/Screening

Agrarian Adventure School Garden Project, Tappan Middle School, Ann Arbor, MI

Alliance for Climate Education, San Francisco, CA

Alliance for Climate Education, San Francisco, CA

Alliance for Democracy, Mendocino, CA, Grub book signing & lecture

APT club, New York, NY, Rude Movements Grub Party

Aquarium of the Pacific, Environmental Writers Conference, Long Beach, CA

Art Car Museum Community Lecture, Houston, Texas

AS220: Action Speaks Event Series, Providence, Rhode Island, Broadcast on Rhode Island Public Radio

Berkeley Farmers Market, Berkeley, CA, Grub book signing & cooking demo

Bioneers Conference, Panel, San Rafael, CA

Bioneers Conference, Panel, San Rafael, CA

Black & White Bar, New York, NY, Grub Reading

BlogHer Food, Keynote Panel, Austin, TX

Brady Street Artisan Food Festival, Milwaukee, MA, Grub book signing & keynote

Brooklyn Botanical Garden, Brooklyn, NY, Panel Discussion

Brooklyn Grand Army Plaza Market, Brooklyn, NY, Grub book signing & cooking demo

Busting Food Myths with Tom Philpott, Austin, TX

Café Ambrosia, Seattle, WA, Community Talk

Canadian Memorial Centre for Peace, Community Talk

Carr’s Restaurant, Lancaster, PA, Community Dinner

Center for Livable Future & Real Food Challenge Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, 100 Mile Meal,

City Harvest, World Food Day teleconference

Clayton Farmers Market, Book signing, St. Louis, Missouri

ClifBar, Berkeley, CA, Keynote Talk

Columbia Teachers College, Book Club: Hope’s Edge, Brooklyn

Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, CA, Interview with Fred Kauffman (Bet the Farm)

Communications Strategy Meeting, Little Rock, NY, Participant

Community Dinner, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, Grub dinner & discussion

Community Harvest Festival, Hastings-on-Hudson

Community Harvest Festival, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, Special Guest Speaker

DC Busboys & Poets, New York, NY, Grub Reading

Dora, Shrek and Ronald: Marketing to Kids and What We Can Do About It, Community Event, Minneapolis, MN

Dora, Shrek and Ronald: Marketing to Kids and What We Can Do About It, Community Event, Minneapolis, MN

EarthSave Long Island, Community Talk

EarthSave New York, Community Talk

Farm Bill Workshop, New York, NY, Lecture

Farmers Market, Berkeley, California

Farmers Market, Lakeshore, Oakland, California

Ferry Plaza Building, San Francisco, CA, Grub book signing & cooking demo

First Annual Utne Magazine (r)evolutionary women Retreat, Special Presentation

Food First Pop-Up Film Festival, Berkeley, CA

Food MythBusters Launch, New York City, NY

Food MythBusters Livestream Launch, Online

Food Systems of NYC, New York City, NY

Foundation for Global Community, Palo Alto, CA, Grub book signing & lecture

Free Range Studios, Fundraiser for a Video on the Farm Bill

Funding Exchange Small Planet Fund Launch Party, New York City

Fundraiser for Sustainable Ballard, Seattle, WA, Community dinner & fundraiser

Google, Palo Alto, CA, Grub book signing & lecture

Green Festival, Washington DC

Growing Green Awards, Berkeley, CA

Heifer International Fundraiser, New York, NY, Keynote & Panel

Heifer International, Little Rock, AK, Keynote

Holistic Health Counselors, Question-and-Answer, New York City

Interfaith Center of New York Book Launch Party, New York City

Just Food Conference, Sierra Club, Alton, Illinois

LightBox Theater, Milk-N-Honey Performance, After Show Café with Eric Schlosser

LightBox Theater, Milk-N-Honey Performance, After Show Café with Marion Nestle

Marguerite Center, Pembroke, Ontario, Keynote

Maverick Farms, Valle Crucis, NC, Grub dinner & discussion

Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor, MI, Grub book signing

Montana Book Festival, Missoula, MT, Grub book signing & lecture

Mott House, Washington, DC, Brown Bag at Mott House

National Association of College and University Food Services, Keynote Event, Minneapolis, MN

National Association of College and University Food Services, Keynote Event, Minneapolis, MN

New Jersey Organic Farming Association Festival, Princeton NJ

New York City Department of Health, New York, NY, Brown Bag

New York City Department of Health, Trans Fat Hearings, Public Testimony

New York City Independent Media Center, Benefit Talk on Media and Food

New York Open Center, New York City, Community Talk

Northwest Resistance Against Genetic Engineering, Community Talk at the First Unitarian Church, Portland, Oregon

NY State Legislative Building, Albany, NY, Talk about genetic engineering to Hawthorne Valley high schools students

NYCNEN event w/Michele Simon, New York, NY, Grub book signing & lecture

Omega Institute of Health and Healing, Rhinebeck, New York

Omega Institute of Health and Healing, Rhinebeck, New York

Omega Institute, Community Presentation, Rhinebeck, NY

Organic Valley Shareholders Annual Meeting, La Crosse, WI

Oxfam America, Boston, MA

Panta Rhea Foundation, Mill Valley, CA, Marin Organic Dinner

Park Slope Food Co-op, Brooklyn, NY, Safe Food tabling & Grub book signing

People’s Climate March, New York, NY

Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, Philadelphia, PA

Rachel’s Network Fall Retreat, Keynote Event, Austin, TX

Rachel’s Network Fall Retreat, Keynote Event, Austin, TX

Rainforest Action Network Fundraiser, Environmental Writers, including Paul Hawken, Julia Butterfly Hill, and Mark Hertsgaard, San Francisco, CA

Rainforest Action Network Fundraiser, Sun Valley, ID

Real Food Daily Restaurant Brunch Talk, Los Angeles, California

RESULTS International Fundraiser, Austin, Texas

RESULTS International Fundraiser, Austin, TX, Plenary Talk

Rex Foundation and Women’s Foundation Fundraiser, Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA

Sacred Center, New York, NY, Book signing

Second Annual Small Planet Fund Fundraiser, New York City

Seeds Community Garden, Raleigh, NC, Keynote & Grub book signing

Slow Food Boston, Cambridge, MA, Benefit Event & Grub book signing

Small Planet Fund Fundraiser with Special Guests Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation) and Marion Nestle (Food Politics), New York City

Small Planet Fund Fundraiser, New York City, NY, Special Presentation

Smooch Organic Café & Wine Bar, Brooklyn, NY, Grub dinner & book signing

SXSW Eco, Austin, TX

TEDxManhattan, New York, NY

The Ecology Center Fundraiser, Ann Arbor, MI

The Graduate Center (CUNY), New York, NY, School Food conference

The Green Table, New York, NY, Grub book signing

The Soda Series, Berkeley, CA

TransFair Fundraiser, San Francisco, CA, Keynote

TransFair USA, Community Talk, Oakland, California

True/False Film Festival, Bellingham, WA, Grub Party

True/False Film Festival, Columbia, MO, Panel Discussion

Union Square Farmers Market, New York, NY, Grub book signing & cooking demo

Unitarian Universalist Church, Long Island, NY, Grub book signing & lecture

Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Brooklyn, NY, Keynote & Grub book signing

Unitarian Universalists of Shelter Island, Special Guest Speaker

Unitarian Universalists, New York , New York, NY, Guest Speaker

United Church of Byron, Rockford, IL, Faith at the End of Your Fork

USDA Farm Bill 2007 Listening Tour, Testimony

UUSC, A conversation with Anna Lappé and William Schulz, UUSC President, San Francisco, CA

Vegetarian Society of Washington DC

Vegetate Restaurant, Washington, DC, Fundraiser & Grub dinner

Vox Pop Books, New York, NY, Grub book signing & cooking demo

Westminster Town Hall, Minneapolis, MN

White Dog Café, Philadelphia, PA, Community Breakfast

White Dog Café, Philadelphia, PA, Grub dinner & book signing

WHY Brown Bag, New York, NY, Brown Bag

Willy Street Coop, Madison, Wisconsin, Community Talk

Woodhull Institute for Leadership, New York City

World Forum for Food Sovereignty, Selingue, Mali, Lecture

World Hunger Year National Conference, Panel moderator

Yes! Magazine Community Talk, Bainbridge Island